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  Instrukce pro formátování příspěvků ve formátu pdf
  Instrukce pro formátování příspěvků ve formátu MS Word 2003
  Šablona pro MS Word 2003 (uložíte kliknutím pravým tlačítkem myši)


Příspěvek odešlete nejpozději do 2. 9. 2012 e-mailem na adresu

Maximální rozsah příspěvku jsou 4 strany v anglickém jazyce. V konferenčním poplatku je zahrnuto vložení jednoho příspěvku. V případě zájmu o vložení druhého příspěvku je poplatek 300,- Kč, v tom případě kontaktujte sekretariát konference na

Vzhledem k omezením daným použitím HTML je následující text pouze přibližnou ukázkou výsledného vzhledu příspěvku. Přesný příklad naleznete v pdf nebo MS Word dokumentu.


New Trends in Physics – NTF 2012

Department of Physics, FEEC, Brno University of Technology, October 11-12, 2012, Brno, Czech Republic

Instructions for Producing a Camera-Ready Manuscript


Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication,
Department of Physics, Technicka 8, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic


Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Department of Physics, Zizkova 17, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic

The abstract should summarize the context, content and conclusions of the paper. It should not contain any references or displayed equations. The abstract length should have up to 200 words.

Keywords: First keyword, Second keyword, Third keyword, Fourth keyword, Fifth keyword

1          Introduction

The paper length should not exceed four pages including graphics and references. We prefer to receive it both in Microsoft Word format and pdf format by e-mail to the address If you don’t use Microsoft Word, send it in the source format (LaTeX, Open Office, …) and in the pdf format, too.

You can use a template file for Microsoft Word 2003 for preparing of your manuscript. This document is formatted according to following instructions.

2          Using the Template File

Please open the template file in Microsoft Word (the Soubor/Otevřít menu item) and save as the Document Word type (the Soubor/Uložit jako menu item) with a new name.

The NTF styles will then be available in the Styles list box on the tool bar, and in the Styl dialogue box on the Formát menu.

To use a style, first select the text to which you would like to attach the style, then choose the style name from the Styles list box on the tool bar or press the shortcut key. The list of styles and shortcut keys is in Tab. 1.


Style name

Shortcut key

Style apply for



The title of the manuscript



Names of authors



Affiliations and e-mail addresses



The abstract




NTF-Heading 1


Main headings

NTF-Heading 1 nonum


Unnumbered main headings (Acknowledgements, References)

NTF-Heading 2



NTF-Heading 3



NTF-List bullet


Lists of items with bullets

NTF-List number


Numbered lists of items















Captions of figures and tables

NTF-Caption 1


Captions of figures and tables if the caption range is more than one line

NTF-Body text


A normal text

NTF-Body text 0


A normal text which follows immediately after a heading, an equation or a list of items (with no indentation of the first line)

Tab. 1. The list of styles.

3          The Layout

The paper size is A4 (210 x 297 mm), sizes of margins are 2.5 cm left, 2.5 cm right, 2.5 cm top and 3 cm bottom. Don’t use a page numbering.

4          The Main Text

Use the Times New Roman or Symbol fonts only. The text is to be typeset in the 12-point letters in single line spacing. Justify the text at both the left and right edges. The indentation of the first lines in paragraphs is 0.63 cm. If the text follows immediately after a heading, an equation or a list of items, use no indentation. For clarity, allow adequate spacing between the text and an equation, a figure, a table or a list of items.

5          The Title

The title should be typed in 12-point bold capital letters and centred. The space above the title is 48 points.

6          Author Names

Author names should be in 11-point capital letters and centred. The space between the title and author names is 18 points.

7          Affiliations and E-mail Address

The affiliations and e-mail address should be in 11-point italic letters and centred. The space between author names and affiliations is 3 points.

8          The Abstract

Typeset the abstract in 10-point letters, making an indentation of 0.63 cm on the left and right margins. Justify the text at both the left and right edges. The space between affiliations and the abstract is 12 points.

9          Keywords

Typeset keywords in 10-point letters, making an indentation of 0.63 cm on the left and right margins. Justify the text at both the left and right edges. The space between the abstract and keywords is 6 points. Keywords should be separated by a comma

10      Major Headings

Headings should be numbered and justified to the left. Major headings should be typeset in 12-point boldface with the first letter of important words capitalized. The space above the major heading is 24 points, the space below the major heading is 12 points.

1.1         Sub-headings

Sub-headings should be typeset in 12-point italic letters with only first letter of the first word in uppercase. The space above the sub-heading is 18 points, the space below the sub-heading is 6 points.

1.1.1        Sub-subheadings

Sub-subheadings should be typeset in 12-point letters with only first letter of the first word in uppercase. The space above the sub-subheading is 12 points, the space below the sub-subheading is 6 points.

11      The List of Items

Lists may be laid out with each item marked by a dot.

·        item one,

·        item two.

Items may be also numbered

1.      item one,

2.      item two.

12      Equations

Displayed equations should be typeset in 12-point letters and numbered consecutively in the paper, with the number set flush right and enclosed in parentheses,

                                                              .                                                          (1)

They should be referred to in abbreviated form, e.g. “Eq. (1)” or “(1)”. The space between the equation and the text is 6 points.

13      Figures

Figures are to be inserted in the text nearest their first reference. They should be centred. If the caption range is more than one line justify the text at both the left and right edges. Captions are to be centred below the figures. Typeset captions in 12-point letters. The space above and below the caption is 12 points. Have a look at Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The caption of the figure if the caption range is more than one line. The caption of the figure if the caption range is more than one line.

14      Tables

Tables should be inserted in the text as close to the point of reference as possible. They should be centred. Typeset tables in 10-point letters. The space of 12 points should be left above the table. Tables should be numbered sequentially in the text in Arabic numerals. Captions are to be typeset in 12-point letters and to be centred below the tables. If the caption range is more than one line justify the text at both the left and right edges. The space above and below the caption is 12 points. Have a look at Tab. 2.

U / V

I / A

R / W
















Tab. 2. The caption of the table if the caption range is less than one line.


This section should be unnumbered.


References are to be listed in the order cited in the text [1–4]. Use the style shown in the following examples [5]. They are to be cited in the text before punctuation marks, using square brackets [6, 7]. For journal names, use the standard abbreviations. Typeset references in 10-points Times New Roman.

[1]   R. Lorentz and D. B. Benson, Constructive role of noise in human brain activity, Nature 27 (1983) 400–433.

[2]   M. J. Beeson, Fluctuations and Noise: The Ultimate Key to Understand Physics, Springer, Berlin (1985).

[3]   K. L. Clark, Flicker Noise Data Base, eds. H. Gallaire and J. Winker, Plenum Press, New York (1973) 293–306.

[4]   M. Joliat, Total elimination of 1/f noise from conventional MOS transistors, IEEE Trans. Electr. Dev. 45 (1976) 753–764.

[5]   D. Dolve, Noise Analysis of Climate Data to Understand the Nature of Global Warming, Proc. 5th Annual Symposium on Climate Trend Analysis, Nashville, TN (Oct. 1981) 159–168.

[6]   R. Tamassia, C. Batini and M. Talamo, A noise assisted neural network, in Frontiers of Neural Network Research, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Progress of Neural Network Research, ed. S.C.K. Wisehead, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1983) 421–439.

[7]   W. L. Gewirtz, Experimental study of super shot noise in hetero junctions, Ph. D. Thesis, New York University (1974).